How are the Odyssey and the Iliad still relevant today?

Even though the Odyssey and the Iliad were written many years ago, some of the themes on these two works are relevant in today’s society. In the Odyssey, fidelity is more important for a woman than what it is for a man. Unlike Odyssey, Penelope waits for 20 years for Odyssey to return home.During that time she rejects all the suitors that are willing to marry her but she believes her husband will come back. “young men, my suitors, now my lord is dead, let me finish my weaving before I marry, or else my thread will have been spun in vain. It is a shroud I wave for Lord Laërtês, when cold death comes to lay him on his bier. The country wives would hold me in dishonor if he, with all his fortune, lay enshrouded.” (2.104-110) As a way to avoid marrying another man, Penelope opted to weave during the day and untied everything again. Even though she knows he is not dead, she acts as if he were and still respect him. However, Odyssey was not loyal to his marriage. He was very happy with Kirke for a year and did not seem to be very upset to spend eight years on Kalypso’s island. Yet, he feared that Penelope was not going to wait for him. This is very similar to what has happened over the years and in today’s society. It seems okay for men to cheat on his wife/girl-friend. Doing so, makes them feel more powerful. But if a woman has multiple relationships she is seen as a prostitute. Women are “supposed” to be faithful and loyal to their husband. In the Iliad, Achilles mom, Thetis tries to protect Achilles as much as she can and Achilles feels confident that no matter what he will have his mom. “And my dear mother told me I must not arm for battle, not till I see her coming back with my own eyes – she vowed to bring me burnished arms from the god of fire.” (18. 218-221)Moms always try their best to protect their child and make their life easier for them. Moms will always want to be next to their kid to be their armor in any battle they face in life. But sometimes they forget to teach their kids how to fight in the battle and kids feel confident enough to do not do anything  in life becomes mommy will always be there. That is way kids in today’s society suffer bulling in school because they do not how to defend them-selves. Kids do not socialize because mommy prefers for her kid to be safe at home.

Sources consulted:

  • Homer.   “The Iliad [from Book 18]–The Odyssey [Book 2]”. The Bedford Anthology of World Literature: The Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern World, Beginnings-1650. Ed. Paul Davis, Gary Harrison, David M. Johnson, and John F. Crawford. Trans. Robert Fagles. BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN’S, 2009. 537-544. Print.
  • Ungar, Michael. “Psychologist: Stop Bubble-Wrapping Your Kids! How Overprotection Leads to Psychological Damage.” Alternet. Alternet, 17 Sept. 2014. Web. 19 Feb. 2017.

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