The Creation Stories

Since many years ago, people have questioned where do we come from and what is our purpose on earth. For that reason, many stories have been written and told. For example, some of the earliest stories in literature like The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Epic of creation, and the Hebrew scriptures depict similar ideas of how the world was created. In all of these stories,  God/gods played a big and important role. God/gods had different powers and were able to create and control nature. Also, these stories have a flood myth, such as the “Great Deluge” in The Epic of Gilgamesh, the fight between the gods in the Epic of creation, and God’s return to earth. “And the Lord said, “I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth: both man and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air: for it repenteth me that I have made them.” But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:17). As stated in the Hebrews scriptures, God will come back to clean the world. Another similarity between these stories is that men also play a big role. Men were seen as the heroes and basically the stories followed the same plot, how an important man undergoes trials and face different challenges and then becomes a great leader/hero. On the other hand women were seen as chaos but also as helpers. In The epic of creations Tiamat is seen as a woman that brings chaos. “When Tiamat heard this, she went wild, she lost her temper.” (Tablet IV;80,81) In the Epic of Gilgamesh women play both roles, good and bad.  Shamhat tricks Enkidu by seducing him so he is not reasoning for him-self. Siduri also tries to persuade him to not keep on his quest, but then she gives him the information about Urshanabi, the boatman that helps him get to Utnapishtim. In the Hebrews scriptures women are seen as a company  and helpers to men. Even though these stories have lead to many other beliefs. To me, the Hebrews scripture seems to be more realistic and true than the others.

As time passes and Humans evolve, newer and similar stories will keep coming up without  an actual proof  that it is true. Yet, proofs are not necessaries for some of us, we believe in the story that seems more realistic and something inside us tells that it is  very true. .

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